You Teach Kids like Kani about Good Character and How to be a Leader at the Club!
When Kani first started coming to our Pulaski Club in 2018, he struggled with his behavior. As a third grader, he was defiant at first and wouldn’t listen to Club staff.
When he was upset about something, Kani used to get angry and completely shut down. He would sit down in the corner by the door, or say “I’m just gonna walk home.”
Because you believed in Kani, his behavior has improved by leaps and bounds since he first started at the Club.
“Kani has matured more, and he listens more,” says Kani’s mom Kreshia. “He is making positive choices.”
Because of YOU, our kids have adults who care about them at the Club, and who teach them how to make the right choices for themselves.
Kani is being raised by a single mom. “It’s just me and him,” Kreshia says.
Kreshia has two jobs currently and works 12 hours a day, so having Kani at the Club after school while she is at work is incredibly helpful.
At the Club, Kani can connect with male staff. Thanks to you, staff like Mr. Devon are positive adult role models for the kids we serve.
Now that Kani has been a Club member for almost three years, he is more in control of his behavior and goes out of his way to help other kids.
“Kani is more helpful and big-hearted now,” Mr. Devon says.
Now, if Kani has a disagreement with another kid, he knows how to walk away from the situation and let staff handle it.

You give kids like Kani — who is being raised by a single mother — positive male role models to look up to and help him make good choices. Thank you.
You Teach Kids How to Be Responsible Leaders and Help Others at the Club
With your support, Kani is learning how to be a leader at the Club.
“Kani is very goal oriented,” Devon says. “He needs a task or a goal for the day.”
Kani loves to help out by bringing supplies or snacks to the other classrooms. Now that he is in fifth grade, Kani also helps the younger kids with their homework and reads with them.
Kani loves helping out so much that he even wants to work for the Club one day!
“I’m going to work for you one day, Mr. Devon!” Kani says.
When asked why he wants to work for the Club, Kani says “I want to do programs for kids so they can have fun and not be stressed out.”
This is what you provide for our kids: a safe place where they can have fun and let any of the stresses in their lives fall away.
“I like all the staff here,” Kani says. “I love everybody. They support me a lot. They help me when I need help, and talk to me.”

You Provide Tutoring by Certified Teachers for Kids Who Are Struggling in School—Thank You!
Kani gets help with his homework at the Club and gets tutoring from our tutor Ms. Wilson, who is also his teacher during the school day.
“I love school, but some days I’m just not in the mood,” Kani says. Math and reading are his favorite subjects.
When he grows up, Kani wants to be a famous football player. His other career goals are to be a scientist and work at the Boys & Girls Club.
If he wasn’t coming to the Club after school, Kani would be at home with his mom, playing outside or watching TV.
Instead, you give him a safe and positive environment where he gets a healthy snack each day, gets help with his homework, and interacts with caring adults.
In a year filled with more challenges and uncertainties than ever before, the Club provides a constant for the kids we serve because of your support. Thank you for believing in our kids and our mission.