Boys & Girls Clubs of South Central Tennessee

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July 27, 2020 at 9:00 am 210 W 8th St Columbia, TN 38401 Click here to RSVP on Facebook!

Great Futures Virtual Week

In light of COVID-19 and for YOUR safety, this year we have decided to combine our annual Great Futures Luncheon and Dream Makers Dinner Auction into one exciting, weeklong VIRTUAL event!

Our Great Futures Virtual Week will still feature all your favorite elements of our events—from the silent auction, to our kids’ live performances and testimonials, to the exciting live auction with Eddie Ables— but this year you will get to enjoy them from the comfort of your own home!

Your support is needed now more than ever to help us meet our goal of $180,000 to ensure great futures for our kids!

Click here and click START BIDDING to bid on our exciting auction item line-up! 

The Great Futures Virtual Week is presented by Platinum sponsor, First Farmers Bank. The event is chaired by BGCMC Board member and 2020 Chair Elect, Bruce Hull.

The weeklong fundraising effort will conclude with a “live” auction featuring the always-entertaining Eddie Ables, streaming live on Facebook and Youtube on the evening of Friday, July 31st.

Click here to support the Club’s Great Futures Virtual Week. Your gift today will help ensure GREAT FUTURES for our community’s kids.

In addition to Platinum sponsor First Farmers Bank, Boys & Girls Clubs of Maury County would also like to thank Gold sponsor Maury Regional Medical Center, and Silver Sponsors Reliant Bank, Heritage Bank & Trust, and First Horizon Bank.


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