Boys & Girls Clubs of South Central Tennessee

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January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

Dream Makers Dinner Auction

**UPDATE: Following the Coronavirus outbreak, we have decided to cancel this year’s Dream Makers Dinner Auction. Instead, we will be holding our first ever Great Futures Virtual Event in its place. Click here to RSVP to the virtual event on Facebook.**

The annual “Dream Makers Dinner Auction” is one of the Club’s signature fundraising events.

First Farmers Bank is the presenting sponsor of this year’s event. They have been a long-time supporter of the Club and played a key role in helping the Club achieve its mission “to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.”

Join us as we make dreams come true for Maury County youth. This fun-filled evening features an elegant dinner, a cocktail hour and silent auction, live music, and an enthusiastic live auction featuring treasured auctioneer Eddie Ables.

Tables for 10 adults are $2,000 each. Individual tickets $200 per person.

Program ads available for $250 (full page), $150 (1/2 page), $75 (1/4 page), $50 (business card).

For more information about sponsorships and ticket sales, contact Ashley Whiteside at (931)490-9401 ext.2604.



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